Sunday, July 1, 2012

Pool Party!

Nocturnal Hunts Presents: POOL PARTY! hunt.  Aug 1 - 31st.

This theme is the end of summer Pool Party! Anything from swimsuits, summer games, beach or swimming themed, party themes, and other summer activities!

If you are a merchant, and would like to be part of this event, please create a Note-card.

Title: [NH] PPH: (Your Name/Store Name)

Your SL Name:

SL Store Name:

Mainstore Surl:

Mainstore Landmark:

Your Store Group KEY: 

Join the group as soon as you apply: COPY THIS IN LOCAL CHAT: secondlife:///app/group/a87bffbc-9ec8-7d7f-93d8-0934e49fa257/about

If you do not hear from me or my staff in 48 Hours, please send an IM and Notecard. Thank you!

Christine Fearne
Owner - Nocturnal Hunts

Nocturnal Hunts is constantly learning and improving our services.  During this hunt, we will allow merchants now to advertise their products DURING the event. (Limit to 1 Notice per merchant per day please).  We have also opened enrollment for hunters, without limits.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Rosen Diavolo, Christine Fearne, or Mai Taurus.

Thank you!

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